30 June 2012

Mate, Buddy, Cobber...

Our mate Adam (aka Mr Sir) is bunking in with us for the week to help out with the cobbing.  We're running desperately behind and really need to get another coat of render on the inside walls but the windows in particular need quite a bit of cobb before that can happen.  Mr Sir is a God-send.
All smiles ready to start on the next window.
Here's one he prepared earlier.

Painting, Sanding & Polishing

Outside work continues...

AC is evening out walls where eave boards meet, filling in the gaps and smoothing the walls over.

Fuzzy & Nama have been busy painting.

MOTH is sanding the eave boards.

The ballustrading arrived this week.  After much discussion and contemplation, we've decided to keep it natural and just apply decking oil for weather protection.

Lights Action...

The sparky is on the job too now.  Cables are everywhere inside and out.  Two of the 3 distribution boards are in the pic... one for C-Bus and the others for general distribution.  It's all so organised and color coded... just how I like it !