Oh... what a weekend we've had. The boys were running two mixers at the same time and still couldn't keep up with the demand... and it was just about killing them... even AC was shovelling dirt... Mr Sir was the ghost of a figure by lunchtime with him and MOTH not having much ooomph left for the afternoon of the second day... mud was sloshing from one end of the mosh pit to the other... by 3pm there was a call, loud and clear, for sugar, painkillers, energy drinks & lime burn remedies... what next folks? Here's some pics that might help explain things.
Before and after shots of the lounge room.
Calling in the experts (hard plasterers) to do the trowelling has been one of the best decisions we've ever made! As you can see here, they keep up with Mark the Renderer quite easily... and they do a damn side better job than we ever could!
Wall-e and No.5 are a great team! They'll be working night and day until the next round.
The second render is always the hardest because it's the thickest of all the coats. Unfortunately, it couldn't be applied thick enough in some sections, so we're doing a one-day second-second coat render next Sunday, followed by the third and final coat the following weekend. No rest for the wicket!