17 November 2012

Still painting...

Now that my shoulder tendon has recovered somewhat from the damage incurred during my last spell of painting, I'm back on deck, or in this case, the roof, to paint more eaves... woo hoo

More interesting news however, the plaster/painting is coming along in leaps and bounds.  Here's the kitchen/meals from 2 angles.

Nama & Fuzzy's vinyl flooring was laid this week and they've finished installing the cabinet and other fixtures in the bathroom.  Fuzzy's out of the shower BTW.

The work room has a hard floor for Nama's sewing area and the rest will be carpeted for Fuzzy's delicate tootsies.

AC who hasn't been too well lately is back on the job too, but has been put on light duties... get it?

04 November 2012

Splash of Paint...

We're getting to the serious end of business here folks... and it's all about the painting.  As those of you who know us are aware, we were hoping to be moving in for Christmas last year... and right now we're so close to getting it on for this Christmas!  pray for us peoples... we simply don't have enough painting hands and Nama is doing her very best.

In the meantime, MOTH has built the bath hob and resumed fitting eave boards... only a few left to do my sweet...

Fuzzy loves his newly installed shower so much we couldn't get him out of it...

K1 came along to do some work today but spent more time posing for photos & taking selfies...

This photo shows you how the painted plaster wall (with black bracket) matches quite beautifully with the painted strawbale wall.  Nama & Fuzzy have decided to paint all their walls and discovered Natural Paint by Murobond, a product suitable for earth rendered walls.  Containing fresh milk, casein, egg white, linseed oil and a number of other ingredients, it adheres nicely while still allowing the walls to breath. See 'Fitout' post 13/09/2012 for comparison photo titled 'Upstairs'.  LOTH is now reconsidering her position on painting the strawbale walls!