09 February 2013

More achievements to celebrate!  Fuzzy put the last of the architraving on today... yay... which LOTH then had the thrill of bogging up... woo hoo

Skip #1 was taken away yesterday… finally and after much angst, and just in the nick of time for #2 to arrive (from a much more reputable company I might add) and fill itself... while the resident reclycling unit watched on in awe!  Only joshing… Rick happened to be on site with his excavator and filled it in a squillionth of the time it took UK and squash down the contents to fit more in.  Bonus!
Meanwhile, Nama was busy in the kitchen making lunches for all who turned up to labor (as she does every weekend)... yum... and UK exercised his muscles while hand digging the last of the trench work.

We're getting closer to the end folks!

07 February 2013

Rick hits rock...

Geez we really love having the locals around... our latest helper is Rick and his awesome excavator who rolled up today.  Primarily his purpose was to dig trenches so that we can get power and water to the house and beyond, but he's also cleaned up a little, shoved the odd tree trunk to the side and made some tidy tracks for us to move around the property a little easier.  Furthermore, we've finally given some thought to the driveway on one side of the garage and planned retaining walls, so quite a bit of dirt got moved around today.  All went swimmingly until Rick stumbled across a massive rock... 

On the good news front, the downstairs ballustrade was fitted yesterday and now the house looks complete from this angle (if you don't look to close that is).
Bit of an issue the otherside tho...

Still enjoying the warm weather!

03 February 2013

Fuzzy & MOTH have finished the last of the window sills and I had the pleasure of watching the handiwork in action.

To break up the monotony of bogging and sanding, today I set to staining the hardwood stair treads that will replace the treads in the kitchen/meals area.  MOTH had earlier built a custom stand for the treads to sit on during the staining & varnishing process.  noice!

General Cleanup...

Let's start with a big thank you to UK for donating his time last weekend to load up the 6m skip... that finally arrived... via Mont Albert. (donk)

Just a shame that we can't recommend the company that delivered the skip!  Despite our request for another skip this weekend and umpteen follow up phone calls, as I type, they still haven't picked up the full one from last weekend!  (nuf said)

Well done to Nama and UK!